What's new BeeMyFlex

Discover the latest new features freshly developed in BeeMyFlex

➡️ Version 03.2024
1️⃣ Publish and share your corporate events

ℹ️ Corporate events can only be created by a Administrator or one Manager.

💡 It is now possible to create corporate events to encourage your colleagues to come to the office on certain days.

To create an event:

👉 Click on your avatar or initials at the top right of the screen and select the section My events.

👉 Then click on the button Create then complete the form:

ℹ️ By clicking on Send a notification, guests receive a notification to warn them.

ℹ️ The event is displayed in the information of the Live :

👉 The event is also indicated in the Forecasts :

2️⃣ Accessibility for color blind people

💡A problem distinguishing colors?

✔️The solution: choose and personalize your colors.

To access its settings:

👉 Click on your avatar or initials at the top right of the screen and select your Profile.

👉 Select the section Accessibility.

i️ 4 modes are at your disposal:

  • Le mode Protan Deuteran
  • Tritan mode
  • Custom mode
  • And Default mode
3️⃣ New rule: Teleworking prohibited on the same day for two consecutive weeks

ℹ️ This feature is only accessible by a Administrator or one Manager.

✔️ You can now prohibit teleworking on the same day for two consecutive weeks.

To configure this new rule:

👉 Click on your profile picture or initials at the top right of the screen and click My rules.

👉 Now click on the button Create and select the rule type Teleworking prohibited on the same day for two consecutive weeks.

👉 Select the relevant recipients.

👉 Choose control with or without override.

✅ Your rule is now effective!

4️⃣ Reserve a resource over a period of several days

💡 For to book the same resource over a period of several days, it was previously necessary to reserve it day by day.

✔️ Now you can select a period of several days to reserve your resource.

ℹ️ The reservation period of the resource must be Full day or half day.

➡️ Version 01.2024
1️⃣ On-call management

It is henceforth possible to manage on-call obligations during non-working days and activate the option for the users concerned.

👉 Click at the top right on your initials or your avatar

👉 Select your organization name

👉 Access the section Users and select the option Activate on-call of the user concerned:

✅ The user can now enter attendance for a non-working day:

2️⃣ Interactive maps

🙌 V2 of the plans is now available!

This new version allows you to switch plans from one mode static in one mode interactive.

👉 When you click on the detail of a workplace, the plan that is displayed is interactive and allows you to click on another area and display the relevant information:

i️ This plan is interactive only on the web version and the Microsoft TEAMS version.

i️ On the mobile version, the plan remains static for reasons of ergonomics and user experience.

For more information, ccontact us by clicking here

3️⃣ Live: New data

🙌 New data on Live allows you to be better informed about your day and the coming days:

  • The number of employees in your team present in the office
  • The level of attendance at the office
  • The resources you have reserved (parking, meeting room, vehicle, laptop, etc.)
  • Your events and appointments for the day

i️ New information is displayed for managers:

  • The number of employees from your teams present in the office
  • The number of employees in your teams who have not completed their calendar
  • The number of exemptions (teleworking management rules)
4️⃣ Forecasts: Personalize your sites with color coding

💡 You can now personalize your sites in forecasts by adding an outline with a custom color:

To add a color outline to your sites:

👉 Click at the top right on your initials or your avatar

👉 Select your organization name

👉 Access the section Sites and Workspaces and select the site concerned and choose one of the suggested colors or enter a personalized color code:

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